welcome to our life

THE OBJECTIVE: add something new about our life weekly.... REALITY CHECK: life gest busy and the objective is a major overshot. However, we want our friends and family to be up to date on major events and happenings in our lives as well as the small, silly things we tend to get ourselves into :)

Monday, June 27, 2011


Hey guys! I have slacked a lot on blogging lately. Mainly because I have been looking at wedding photos that have come in. This photo has actually been submitted for Alabama Weddings Magazine's Real Alabama Weddings Competition. So really quick I'm shamelessly putting a plug in for our picture that is on their blog site...

To vote for us -- Go to our BLOG post on AWM website-Direct blog link: www.alabamaweddingsmagazine.com/blog/ and find our Image, Type VOTE or make a comment under our image!

Thanks for the support... We love you guys.