welcome to our life

THE OBJECTIVE: add something new about our life weekly.... REALITY CHECK: life gest busy and the objective is a major overshot. However, we want our friends and family to be up to date on major events and happenings in our lives as well as the small, silly things we tend to get ourselves into :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Big Move... Back to Nashvegas!!!!

It has been waaaaaay over 2 years since my last post but I was reading through another friend's blog today and thought... I should probably give some updates for what has been going on in our lives. I love blogging but it is so hard to keep up with the crazy life we lead! I have redeicated myself though and will try to be better on this stent of bloggingness :)

So what have The Millers been up to? Well after 2 years of marriage we have finally moved back to Nashville, the city where our relationsip truly began. Wes was recommended by a former client for a job with a company in Mt Juliet, TN called Campbell Hausefield. He went through a very short interview process and basically was told that there was no doubt he was the man for the job. I was so proud of him because all of his hard work had paid off and he was reaping the rewards. From that point we basically had 2 weeks to find an apartment, inform my employer and get our butts to Nashville. Wes actually started right away so guess who the packing was left up to... this girl! I had some help from friends and family and we got all of our stuff packed and loaded onto the moving truck within 1 week... it was honestly crazy.

We were sad to leave behind some wonderful friends that we had made as a couple over the past two years and obviously our families but were so overjoyed to be moving to a city we adore and have some familiarity with.

Since the big move we have had a blast. From getting our new apartment set up, to scoping out new parts of the city, outdoor concerts and more, Nashville has not disappointed us. The Lord was so good to provide me with a job only a month after moving as well. Everything has fallen into place beautifully and we are so thankful for the opportunity to start a new phase in our life together.

Thanks to all who have kept up with us through phone calls, emails, facebook, and twitter! What did we do before technology? Think I'm going to start sending mail pigeons again... who's with me???

Enjoying life and all the newness it is bringing these days...