welcome to our life

THE OBJECTIVE: add something new about our life weekly.... REALITY CHECK: life gest busy and the objective is a major overshot. However, we want our friends and family to be up to date on major events and happenings in our lives as well as the small, silly things we tend to get ourselves into :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Absence makes the heart grow fonder....

Wes came back into town tonight from a work trip in Florida! He had been gone since Monday and I was so excited to see him. I was also really pumped to tell him that I started our new blog last night. I knew he would be just as overjoyed as I was and it would bring up wonderful conversation about our upcoming life together. Then we would sit and laugh and say sweet things over dinner and spend the rest of the night thinking about what our wedding day was going to be like. Obviously I am a girl and those of you who are married probably know where this is headed.
Reality.... I told Wes about the blog and he was glad to hear I found something to occupy my time during the waiting period. Not exactly what I was expecting but he was excited none-the-less!He even asked what the link was and went to the website to read it. After a little time had passed I asked him what he thought. He looked at me and said "Well, it was a little shorter than I thought it would be... was there anything I missed on the extended profile?" I asked him to show me what part he read. Evidently he missed the entire blog post, scrolled past it, and had been staring at the profile and gadgets section for the last 15 minutes hahaha. I am going to really enjoy living with this man!
17 days and counting...

1 comment:

  1. Okay, that was hysterical!!! I needed a good laugh today! You're way ahead of the game already...being so in touch with REALITY! You guys are going to have a GREAT marriage! (By the way....Doug says guys like to stare at "gadgets" :-D )
