welcome to our life

THE OBJECTIVE: add something new about our life weekly.... REALITY CHECK: life gest busy and the objective is a major overshot. However, we want our friends and family to be up to date on major events and happenings in our lives as well as the small, silly things we tend to get ourselves into :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


It's wedding week and all I can think about is what HAVEN'T I done?!?!? I feel like I am forgetting some big important part of the details but I have gone over and over everything and it all seems to be in line. Maybe it is just one of those moments :)

This week has felt so surreal and oddly calm. I have been laid back as opposed to my recently uptight state the past 4 months. I guess you just get to the point where enough has been done and if it doesn't work out the way you planned then at the end of the day you are married anyway and that's all that matters. There are great stories that come from the little mix-ups in life. That's one of the things I love the most about my parent's wedding story is that absolutely nothing went as planned. Granted my mom knew nothing about it until everything was over but the groomsmen were late getting to the church to usher the guests because they were on a mission (lead by their uncle) to find the getaway car that my grandfather had carefully hidden out of sight. Somehow, being in a city they knew nothing about, they still managed to find the car and ultimately demolish it with graffitti before returning to the church where they found my dad ushering in all of the guests and their mother (my grandmother) who was more than livid (if you knew my grandmother you would find that pretty humorous seeing as she could do absolutely nothing with 4 mischievous boys haha).

All of that to say it seems to be the little bloopers in life that make it all worth it! Those things that you think are the worst possible thing at that time always end up surprising you and from them come greater things than you could have ever imagined!

I am excited to see what bloopers pop up in my future with the love of my life by my side :)

4 more days...


  1. You have such a fun attitude about life and wisdom way beyond your years! We're so excited to be getting to share this week with you! (And I'm hoping to avoid any "bloopers" with my duties!!!) :-)

  2. Bloopers? What bloopers?? We'll only have comic relief!
